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1 Лапин К.Н., Рыжков И.А., Мальцева В.А., Удут Е.В.
Катетеризация сосудов мелких лабораторных животных при проведении биомедицинских исследований: технологические аспекты метода (обзор).
Бюллетень сибирской медицины. 2021; 20 (3): 168–181
2 Piavchenko G., Kozlov I., Dremin V., Stavtsev D., Seryogina E., Kandurova K., Shupletsov V., Lapin K., Alekseyev A., Kuznetsov S., Bykov A., Dunaev A.,
Meglinski I.
Impairments of cerebral blood flow microcirculation in rats brought on by cardiac cessation and respiratory arrest.
J. Biophotonics. 2021; e202100216
3 Holmberg A., Pelletier R.
Automated blood sampling and the 3Rs.
NC3Rs #16. Automated blood sampling and the 3Rs. April 2009
4 Feng J., Fitz Y., Li Y., Fernandez M., Puch I.C., Wang D., Pazniokas S., Bucher B.,
Cui X., Solomon S.B.
Catheterization of the carotid artery and jugular vein to perform hemodynamic measures, infusions and blood sampling in a conscious rat model.
J. Vis. Exp. 2015; 95: 51881. DOI: 10.3791/51881
5 Sartori M., Bertani S.
Use of automated blood sampling in the light of Reduction and Refinement.
GlaxoSmithKline Research Center – Verona (Italy)
6 C. Strand, C. Dong.
AccuSampler Standard — Automated Blood Sampling for ADME studies.
Asian J. Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics. 2009; 9(2): 156-158
7 Gunaratna P.C., Kissinger P.T., Kissinger C.B., Gitzen J.F.
An automated blood sampler for simultaneous sampling of systemic blood and brain microdialysates for drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination studies.
J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Methods. 2004; 49: 57-64
8 Han S.Y., Chin Y.-W., Choi Y.H.
A new approach for pharmacokinetic studies of natural products: measurement of isoliquiritigenin levels in mice plasma, urine and feces using modified automated dosing/blood sampling system.
Biomed. Chromatogr. 2013; 27: 741–749
9 Abelson K.S.P., Adem B., Royo F., Carlsson H.E., Hau. J.
High Plasma Corticosterone Levels Persist During Frequent Automatic Blood Sampling in Rats.
In vivo. 2005; 19: 815-820
10 Pedersen K., Andersen H., Bock T.
Investigation of sample dilution on Accusampler Standard used for pharmacokinetic studies.
GLP-1 & Obesity Pharmacology, Diabetes Research Unit, R&D, Novo Nordisk A/S, Maalov, Denmark
11 Clark G.T., Giddens G., Burrows L., Strand C.
Utilization of dried blood spots within drug discovery: modification of a standard DiLab AccuSampler to facilitate automatic dried blood spot sampling.
Lab. Animals. 2011; 45: 124–126
12 Ostrova I.V., Kalabushev S.N., Ryzhkov I.A., Tsokolaeva Z.I.
A Novel Thromboplastin-Based Rat Model of Ischemic Stroke.
Brain Sci. 2021; 11: 1475